Konekta - Smart Connections for Actionstep

PEXA Pre-filled fields from Actionstep Matter

When you create a PEXA workspace using the Konekta integration, some fields are pre-filled with information from your Actionstep matter to save you time in re-keying these details.

This article shows which fields are currently "mapped" between Actionstep and PEXA. Over time the list of fields will increase as we enhance this integration. You may follow this article to be notified of improvements to this mapping.

Below are screenshots of both Actionstep and PEXA that show which fields are mapped. Related or mapped fields are marked with the same number.

You can find detailed mapping information in the table below.

1Matter Type
Title Reference
Property AddressConveyancing - NSW, 71100 -> NSW, 71100
2Settlement DateSettlement Date
3Conveyancing TypeSubscriber RoleSale -> Incoming Proprietor,
Purchase-> Proprietor on Title
4Party RoleParticipant RoleBuyer -> Incoming Proprietor
5Party NameParty Name(Note, only First Name and Last Name are currently mapped).
6Party AddressParty Address123 Some Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 ->
123 Some Street, Adelaide SA 5000
7Party BirthdayParty DOB

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