Konekta - Smart Connections for Actionstep

Key Dates Data Collection - Key Dates

The key dates data collection is where any dates of significance relating to the conveyancing transaction, for ease of tracking and avoid having to scroll through files, are captured.  This collection is then exposed on the home screen of each matter.  

The table below details the fields contained within the key dates collection.  It is important to capture as many of the dates as possible, and update if changed.

**NOTE The key dates are also relied upon and and pushed through to the settlement calculator to calculate the various adjustments for the generation of the settlement statements.   

Initial Dates

Instruction DateDate instructions were received
Contract DateDate contract was signed/entered into
Cooling off period ends
Cooling off period ends
Date of Auction
Date Auction is booked in for property
Date CalculatorLink to open up a date calculator.  This will calculate the due dates for the various conditions based on the number of days entered.  **NOTE these will then need to be manually added to the collection.  At present they do not pre-fill after calculation.
Plan/Scheme Registration Due
Date plan is due to be registered by

Initial deposit dueDue Date that initial deposit is required to be paid
Balance deposit dueDue date if there is a balance of the deposit outstanding to be paid by
Conditions Due
Finance dueDue date that finance is to be approved by
Building and Pest dueDue date of Building and Pest Reports to be undertaken
Pool Inspection dueDue date of pool inspection to be completed by
Special condition 1Due date that special condition 1 is to be completed/adhered to
Special condition 2Due date that special condition 2 is to be completed/adhered to
Special condition 3Due date that special condition 3 is to be completed/adhered to
Special condition 4Due date that special condition 4 is to be completed/adhered to
Special condition 5Due date that special condition 5 is to be completed/adhered to
Unconditional dateDate that all conditions are to be met by and contract becomes unconditional
Settlement Dates

Settlement dateDate settlement is booked
Sunset dateThe date which the developer is able to fulfill their obligations as stipulated in the contract
Adjustment dateThe date which the settlement statement adjustments are to be adjusted from
Stamp duty dueDate stamp duty is due and payable
Priority Notice Expiry
Date priority notice expires.
Internal Admin

Completion/File Closing dateDate matter is finalised and can be closed
Not proceeding/ Contract Terminated dateDate parties advised that the transaction is not proceeding

Key Date Tasks Due

A number of automated tasks have also been set based on the conditions due.  These tasks have also been grouped together under a taask view to assist with meeting the conditional.  I list of the views can be here  Konekta Conveyancing - List views for Conveyancing Add-on

Key Date Alerts

All date fields above have the inbuilt Actionstep alert function attached to them which will also assist your users in meeting deadlines.          

To set an alert on any date field in the Key Date section, simply click on the  'GLOBE'   icon to the right of the date.

This will then allow you to set an 'Alert' that will be sent to a person on the file. 

You can choose

  1. when the Alert is sent by changing the 'Due Date'
  2. Who the Alert is sent to by changing the 'Assign to'
  3. What the message is by changing the  'Message text box' - which is prefilled with details from the matter
  4. What method the alert will  be sent 'Email', 'Actionstep Pop message' or SMS (Note SMS does require additional costs to Actionstep for SMS Messages)

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